Monday, October 10, 2011

Importance of Keywords in Article Marketing

If you are planning to promote your website by submitting articles in different online directories then one of the most important factors that you might have to take under consideration is using the appropriate keywords on those articles. Without the proper utilization of keywords you will not be able to get the best outcome from your article marketing campaign. This is why at first you need to have a clear understanding about what we actually mean by the term “keyword” and why they are so much important in article marketing.

Now the term “keyword” refers to the words that are frequently used by people to search through the internet for gathering information about a specific topic. Different ideas or subjects have their own set of keywords that are widely used by people to search for information regarding those topics.

Let’s take an example to have a clear understanding about this concept. Say for instance you own a website that offers information about interior designing ideas and planning to launch an article marketing campaign for your website. Now from the point of view of a surfer just think what type of words or phrases would you be using to get information about interior designing. It can be “interior designing”, “interior design”, "pictures of interior design", “interior decoration” etc. Now these phrases are the ones that we consider to be the “keywords” or “key phrases” for the sector of interior designing since these terms or words are widely used by people to search for interior design related information online. 

Many people actually visit different article directories to gather information. Say for example, Mr. X is looking for some interior designing ideas or sample designs and he visits an article directory to find articles relevant to that. Now once he enters a term like “interior designing ideas” or “bedroom designing ideas” in the search bar of that directory, the search engine will scan through that directory and will come up with a search result that includes those articles that has these particular words or phrases embedded in the title of the article and main article. So, if you are using these keywords properly in your articles then it will leave you with a very high possibility that people will be viewing those articles once they visit the article directories to get information about interior designing and through the process they might end up getting into your website by clicking on the links that you have included in your articles.

However, if the keywords are not properly used in your articles then regardless of how useful the information is, your articles won’t be able to generate enough views. Other articles that utilize these keywords more efficiently will get more priority from the search engine and will be listed at the top of the search results.

Now, sometimes you will see that the search engine may come up with results that include articles that contain a fraction of the inserted keywords. Say for instance, if someone inserts the phrase “interior designing ideas” in the search bar then the search engine may come up with articles that has “interior designing ideas” included in the title or the body (or in both of them) as well as other articles that includes words like “interior designing”, “designing”, “designing ideas” etc. So you need to make sure that you are using a combination of keywords (in this case “interior”,”designs” etc) and key phrases (e.g. “interior designing ideas”, “interior designing” etc.) in your articles.

However, make sure that the content you are providing to the reader is capable of adding value or else these views may not end up giving you visitors for your website. Many marketers these days make a common mistake by simply stuffing keywords in their articles so that the search engine picks their articles. This is known as “keyword stuffing” which is considered as a wrong way of promoting business since in such cases you put more emphasize on increasing web visitors for your articles and websites by including too many keywords in your content instead of offering useful information to the readers.

Always remember, you should make sure that your articles are both informative and rich in keywords. As far as getting the best outcome from article marketing is concerned, both these factors play vital role for your promotional campaign.

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